The stuffing has landed, I repeat the stuffing has landed! Thats right folks. You know that stuffing was voted Americas favorite side dish of Thanksgiving. You can imagine how I felt knowing that I would have this huge responsibility of making this side dish. Luckily Steve's mom Joanne has the best stuffing recipe in the world! To be honest I used to hate stuffing until I married Steve and had Joanne's! I must say that I did get a lot of compliments, which is always good.

I also volunteered to make the Jello salad. This is a tradition in the Christopherson house. Basically it's 5 Jello flavors; each flavor is divided and half of it is added with sour cream. Each layer, according to the recipe, must set for 20-30 minutes. I decided that this was way too much time and opted to go for 15 minutes. This strategy worked for me for the first 6 layers or so. Now when I got to the green layer things went south fast! When I took the Jello out of the fridge and poured the green in it shot through all the layers! No more pretty looks. I decided that there was nothing that I could do so I put it back into the fridge. My next problem is that I ran out of sour cream. I had already added the sour cream to the lime and decided to put it in the fridge while I ran to the store. Well I got the sour cream and when I got home to add the green layer it had already set up in the fridge, so I added it to the rest. It was all lumpy and set up, as you can see in my picture. Wow I decided that I don't have enough patients! Next year I will wait about 30 minutes between layers, the good thing is that everyone said that it still tasted good. Except Gage, he said he didn't like it. Josh said it was probably because it was all lumpy in the middle! Thanks Josh!

So I didn't get a lot of pictures this year. I was being lazy I guess! I did shoot this one of the infamous "black friday" browsing of the adds. Notice Josh's shirt "The Impregnator"....Brit had already told us that she was pregnant! Yeah! This is how they told Josh's family, funny huh? So we did go shopping the next day and had a blast. I went my own way, Mom and Brit went their own way and Josh and the boys went to Home Depot. Steve and Katie opted to sleep in. We all met up and had breakfast together. We had a great time. Can't wait for next years shopping. I got some really great deals! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

What an awesome Thanksgiving, huh? I loved your stuffing and yes I even loved your ugly salad. ;) Thanks for shopping with us, did you get Steve a camera???
Happy to hear you got your tree home safe and sound. I'm glad Joanne had the faith to ride along with you & Steve. Thanksgiving was wonderful and thanks for your contribution and all the fun!!!
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