I really don't seem to know what day it is. They are all seeming to run together...pretty much my day consists of sleeping, feeding Katy and changing her diapers!!! Chuck is in heaven having both of us home all the time. He doesn't quite know what to do with himself. We usually find him going up to bed without us because he is so tired!
So not much to update you on but here are some pictures of our recent adventures...

Gettin' ready to hit the town. Steve is good to plan us a "daily activity"....mostly so he doesn't get stir crazy! I am perfectly content hanging around and taking naps, but Steve is not one to sit around!

Last Friday Katy and I headed up to Perry to visit my sister Britney and her fam. TJ and Gage were so cute with Katy!!! They just wanted to hold her the whole time. We actually went up there to make Katy's announcement (I will post that later because I just sent them out in the mail, so I don't want to ruin the surprise).
Also we went to Dr. Schmidt last week and he noticed that Katy was not turning her neck to one side. He said that we needed to work on bending and stretching her neck or she would need to wear the dreaded helmet!!! I was telling my sister and mom about it and they both suggested that I take her to the chiropractor. My sister took TJ there when he was 4 months old for the same problem. Sounded kind of scary to me, but Britney assured me that it would be a good thing. So I went to her doctor in Brigham City.
Let me just tell you how sad it was to watch him pop her neck!!! He had to do it several times, and she was not happy about it at all. It was so hard to sit and hold her and watch while he adjusted her. It was the saddest thing ever. But I am happy to report that since that visit, Katy had full range of motion in her neck. Those forceps sure did a number on her!!!

Gage and TJ informed me of all the names they call "their baby". TJ says he calls Brynn "Miss Miss" and Gage told me he calls her "Princess Pretty Girl". Gage even told me that I could call my baby that if I wanted. He especially wanted to hold Katy, and was happy to do so as you can see in the above picture!!! When Josh got home from work Gage told him that he got to hold Katy and that she smiled at him!!! So cute!

As you can see last night we were all pretty tired, except for Steve who decided that it would be a good idea to take a picture!!! So we all fell asleep on the couch. Normally that is how it goes....I feed Katy around 8-9 then I fall asleep on the couch and Steve wakes me up around 11-12 to feed her again!!! Ha, it's pretty exciting around here! I am thinking that next week will bring more of the same but I will keep you informed!
Great post! Love the pictures and stories. Cute pictures of Katy with the cousins. Wow, finally cousins on our side of the family. Fun, fun!
great update Amy! I'm glad Katy is doing better and that the trip up here to the Dr. seemed to help. Your doing awesome with everything, keep it up! :)
I honestly don't remember the first 3 months of Tate's life. It was like one reaaaaallllllyyy long day that's a big blur. It seems like your adjusting perfectly though--good job! I took a while to get as adjusted as you....
Amy she is such a pretty little thing! I am glad you are enjoying being home. Are you going to work again or stay home?
such cute pictures! I can't wait to see her sat. I'm glad that the chyro went well, I thought about it will Vanna, but chickened out! see ya sat!
Cute family you got there! This is Adam's wife Audra, our email is adammgarrett@juno.com Have a great Christmas!
You go girl...sleeping is exactly what you should be doing. She is a little doll face and I am glad that the Dr. thing helped...it is hard to watch them cry, but if it helps that is great! You are a great little momma!
Good times! Such cute little boys!! I am loving the names they call their baby! So funny steve plans daily activities for you! Maybe you should post those! I would be interested to see where he takes you! :) Is that your couch in that picture? I thought it was black? sorry random!
She is BEAUTIFUL! I swear Amy, she is your "mini-me"!! What a doll baby!
Hi Amy! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Congratulations...Katy is just gorgeous! I'm so glad that her neck is better and that you are getting plenty of rest..love the pic on the couch. Chuck is a sound sleeper!
I love that picture of you and Katy sleeping together. It is just so sweet. There is nothing better that having your baby curled up next to you.
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