We have been going to snowbird pretty much since I was born. My Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson bought time share up in the Iron Blossam Lodge when there was only 4 floors. Since our family has gotten so big my mom and her siblings have been taking turns. Everyone in the family is welcome to come up, we just are the ones that get to sleep there.
Its so fun to think that Katy will now been sharing in some of the traditions that I had growing up. Even though she does not look too amused in most of my pictures (hence the sleeping), she told me that she had a great time!!!

Steve always laughs at me when I say that we are going to the "Plaza", but that is what Grandma Ida always called the Snowbird Center. Another Grandma Ida favorite phrase...."cold cuts", which we had plenty of!

A walk up to the deck always calls for a good time. As you can see by the pictures Katy is en-trolled!

Again, way to much fun for her own good. I am going to have a hard time controlling this child, she is way too crazy for me!

Steve's lovely "CHEESE" face. What a looker, whoo!

Speaking of Cheesy, may I be for a moment and say that these pictures of Steve with Katy are some of my favorite. Catching some ZZZZs

The Barker clan minus Big Daddy AKA Josh. Lovely wind shot here!

Somehow I managed to catch the swine flu the week after we got home. I am pretty sure that I got it up at Snowbird, although I seem to be the only one that got it...weird! Any who, not as bad as anticipated. I did, however, catch a mild strand of it. All was well about 24 hours later. Plus, bonus Katy and Steve have been exposed now so our flu season this year shouldn't be as bad. Knock on wood. We will just have to see!
Lovely to say that a week before we went to Snowbird we had the experience of taking the Chuck in for surgery. We pretty much knew when he actually passed a kidney stone that something was not quite right. My adventure started at the Jordan River Animal Hospital (9000 S Redwood Road) and was quite a site Chuck and Katy in tow. After confirming that it was in fact kidney stones, how hard was that, I got the reasonably priced estimate of $1900.00-$2500.00 for surgery! I sure am glad that Steve was there, on the phone, to tell me NO WAY, in not so many words! When I told them that was too much money and I was going to go somewhere else it began. The immense pressure that I was not doing the right thing, and that if he didn't have emergency surgery that night he could die. I politely declined and was pretty much told that I was an awful dog owner and that anywhere else would not take very good care of him. I left Katy and Chuck still in tow with a bill for $300.00 for an XRay, Urinalysis, and Exam. Can we say rip off???
The next day I went to my father-in-laws recommendation, Forrest Hills Pet-care. When I handed the doctor the CD of the XRay he laughed and said he did not have the technology to look at that! He just took another one. We left that day with pain meds for Chuck (something the other doctor did not provide, although they "would have taken the best care of him") and an appointment for Chucks surgery. All in all he was there 3 days and left with a big bag of dog food for $515.00. Kind of a big difference in price! Oh and that included the XRay he had to take and the initial exam. I think the funniest thing was the fact that I missed Chuck so much that I called to check on him to see how he was doing. I was directed to the Doctor who pretty much told me that he was "doing fine" when all I really wanted to know was if he missed me and if he was getting along with the other dogs. I guess they don't get too many calls like that! I am happy to report that Chuck is pretty much back to normal! Good thing too, I was missing my best friend!!!

just wait until she can run, then you will wish you could control her!! she is so dang cute!
you are not a bad dog owner for not paying the $2000, you were smart to get a second opinion. $800 is nothing. next time you feel like you are getting ripped-off, remember me! we paid almost $3000 for tobys leg.
Oh man, I know just how you feel. Dogs are awesome, I would have missed my puppy too :) Katy is adorable!!
Oakley was telling me the other day that she missed Katy :) I am pretty sure that means that we need to get together sometime soon! Katy is so cute, and I think she looks just like you!
I am also glad that Chuck is doing alright. I know what you mean about missing your dog. I miss Chevy all the time (even though he is in heaven now :)
Love these pictures!! SO cute! But, just wondering would that last one be considered doggy porn?!! he he he!! jk!! Give Katy a kiss for me!! Loved playing with her today, by the way! Maybe I need to ditch my boys more often and have girl time!! he he he!!
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