Before I finish catching up on my Halloween festivities, I thought I would tell you about my past week and a half......
Katy had been getting a kick out of taking her PJ's off and hanging out in her diaper. Every morning you'd get her up and she'd say, "Katy cold." Um yeah, it's the end of October and it's been getting a bit chilly at night.
Any who we didn't think twice about it until someone mentioned that we were lucky that she wasn't taking her diaper off. Up to this point I was just concerned that she was getting cold. I didn't think twice about it until it happened! She took the diaper off!
Not only did the diaper come off but we were greeted by a BIG dump in the middle of the floor, oh and a big pee spot next to it! AHHHHH! Seriously??? Well if you thought that was bad, it gets better because Steve decided it would be a good idea to clean it up with paper towels. Which wouldn't be too big of a deal if he didn't put them in the TOILET!!!! Ha, we had a clogged toilet for a few days. I guess no one told him you cant do that. He kept thinking that it would "soften up" and make it's way down. Not the case, we even had to buy a heavy duty plunger to take care of the problem!
Well that was when we decided that it may be time to really start pushing the potty training. She seemed fine with it so we went for it. She went once back in July but I think it scared her so she hasn't been too interested since then. Oh and this is the potty seat Steve and I opted for since neither of us wanted to do the empty kind.
She doesn't tell us if she needs to go but has been going about 4-5 times a day, which has been great because she seems so excited about it. Oh and the last thing I wanted to laugh at is the fact that we asked her if she wanted a treat when she was done...she said no, but told us that she wanted CHIPS! So she has been getting lots of chips this week.
I dont really know what the next step is but I keep telling her to tell me if she wants to go. No go so far. What is the next step anyway? This is my first time! Let me know, and wish us luck!
A big dump on the living room floor, huh? My favorite it when the boys would poo on the driveway. That was the best, you'd just hose it off.
I love the part about the poopy paper towels "softening up". You two are too funny!
Potty training sucks. Sorry, but it does. When your ready to start, be prepared to ask take her to the bathroom every 1/2 hr or so.
Good luck!
Potty training sounds like a lot of work. I have no advice to give because I have no clue either. Good luck! The Halloween party below looks like fun!
The flower/design on the shirt is really easy. I had the cute green damask fabric forever and decided to use it on this shirt. I cut out two wavy/circle flower designs. I did the same cut out with black material but made the black material a bit more like a circle. The bottom piece is the biggest, second a little smaller, and then the top layer the smallest. I ruffled it up and pinned them on the shirt so they wouldn’t lay super flat. I wanted them ruffled looking and I wanted them to stick out a bit. Does that makes sense? I then sewed a cross in the middle and viola – they were done!
Oh my gosh! Too funny, Amy! Set a timer for every 1/2 hour or so... if she's not going that often do it about every hour. Consistency & then in a few weeks or so is when she'll start to recognize the urges. Basically you're going to spend your days living in the bathroom & at first it's you who's potty trained; but stick with it while she's so interested... you don't want to miss the boat on that one!!
I wish I had some great advice, because that would mean I had been successful with Oakley :) We tried panties last week and lasted 2 days. She didn't go in the toilet once, and I was scrubbing up pee all over the house (luckily no poop) when you and Katy have it all figured out you can give me some advice (I am giving up for at least another month or so - she was not getting it :)
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