Monday, January 3, 2011

Baby Steps

Okay peeps, how are we doin? Remember baby steps, K?
How am I doing? Well......
Scripture reading has been great.
I think I am actually going through withdrawals from treats today! I am shaking! It's so weird to stop myself from popping something sweet into my mouth. I guess it was worse than we all thought.
Lastly, pop. Defiantly harder than I thought but doing ok. Wanted a *gasp* diet coke after I finished my lunch today! Ahhhhh!
19 days to go!
Here is some motivation for you, enjoy!
Here is the link to Day 2
We are doing it.
baby steps.
This is the key.
Nothing that is worth it comes overnight. That's just not how things work. We tend to get caught up in the 'immediate gratification'. But, in order to see the success to what is really worth it...
day by day. step by step...not overnight.
And as we pay the price, work hard & believe in ourselves we'll arrive at Day 21 amazed at what we've accomplished. And we did it gradually!
Today, choose to pay the price to be your best self.


Sheena said...

Good thing you are doing this in January... you will deffinately fall off the no treats wagon come March when the Cadbury cream eggs come out! We all know you have no will power when it comes to those delicious little gems! Good Luck!

melynda said...

haha, sheena is right!! you are doing great, i was going to try and do the no pop thing too. i lasted until about 4 o'clock. sad. you can do it, maybe i can start tomorrow!!

Ellingson's said...

I went off sugar when I was nursing Kyler, all that sugar really upset his tummy, but I gave myself a free day. I had the worst headache for days after going off!! But it went away & I crave it less even now