Wednesday, June 1, 2011

an ordinary girl who became a mom

I never quite know what to say about being a mom....

Steve suprised me with a new CD (Britney guilty pleasure he says), Katy slept in unitl 8:00 and I felt blessed to be a mom.

Katy is 2 and a half now. She likes to play dress up (especially with a crown, and high heeled shoes) and read books. She wears a size 6 shoe.

I remember when I was pregnant with Katy I wondered if she would be a soccer player like me, or if she would like to run. I wondered if she would have perfect handwriting like Steve, or his sense of humor.

I could have never imagined what Katy’s addition to our family would come to mean to me. And I’ve learned how wonderfully bittersweet being a mom has been. It’s learning how to hold on and let go at the exact same time.

It’s finding Katy’s favorite stuffed animal under my pillow at night. It’s finding catsup in my hair at night or crumbs in between my boobs. It’s finding my make-up brush in the toilet, or a wad of toilet paper on the bathroom floor. It’s feeling accomplished at her ponytail that I put in without her saying “owww mom you are hurting me”, just to turn around and find that she has rubbed her blanket all over her head making her, once again, look like white trash! And other day's it's waking up with beautiful hair!

It’s trying to convince her that chocolate milk is not a food group, nor can we treat it as such! It’s also when Katy can completely melt my heart when she randomly stops what she is doing to look up and say “I love you mom” or after I tell her that I’m proud of her for something that she has done saying, “I’m proud of you too mom!”. Of all these fact’s none is truer that the fact that I am completely smitten with being a mom! Who wouldn't be with that cute face.....

Who would have ever thought I'd feel this way? I was always the person who was totally uncomfortable with a newborn baby...and somehow I always managed to make them cry! I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but who would have ever imagined I'd actually be pretty darn good at it (most of the time, when Katy is not falling off the longboard I left on the ground, or shoving marshmallows in her mouth out of the cupboard when I'm not looking!)

So thank you mom for being the wonderful example of a mom you have been to me, I've learned so much! Thank you Mrs. Joanne for everything, and for raising a son that I am SO proud to call my husband. He's a great dad! And thank you Britney for always letting me call you non stop with ALL my questions....since you seem to be right in the thick of things with me. So here's to all the moms and moms to be out there! Happy Mothers Day!

And let me leave you with the most heart felt, adorable note Steve left me (hopefully he wont mind me sharing):
So the older I get and the longer we've been married the worse I feel like I get at writing sappy love letters, but the more I feel like I fall in love with you. I definitely come out leaps and bounds ahead in the wife category. Every day I am told that I found one of the few perfect ones. As a wife, I'm confident I couldn't have done better, and as a mother I KNOW your as good as they come. Katy tell's me all day long that she want's her "momma" and I know it's because her Momma rocks! It isn't every momma that runs around the house screaming and yelling while dancing and saying, "I'm gonna get you." Amy, Katy is the best daughter because she has the best mother. Katy and I both know how lucky we are to have you. We wish you the happiest Mothers Day.
Love Always,
Steve and Katy

:) Cue the hallelujah choir! I am one lucky girl!


Britney said...

oh my gosh that is the sweetest note ever! Way to go Steve.

Thanks for what you said about me. Love you!

Britney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken and Jos said...

Holy cow that was the cutest post!!!

Britney said...

That deleted comment was from me. I hate how it does that...but now I guess I've triple posted. wah wa!!

Randi said...

sweet sweet post! and good note Steve! you deserve it Amy!

Ashley said...

I love that he calls you "luvie"--so cute! I thought my family was the only ones who used that! i call my kids that all the time, and my dad has always called my mom that.

CKB said...

Such a sweet letter from an amazing daddy and husband!