Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.....
It's really hard to put into words how lucky Katy is to have a dad like Steve. Really, I don't know too many dads that get to have the same type of relationship that Steve and Katy have. His work schedule allows him to be with her most of her waking hours. She always gets up in the morning naming all the things she is going to do with dad for that day.
He is the kind of dad that will ALWAYS get the race car shopping cart (I hate those things they are a beast to maneuver through the store), that washes his car several times a week...with Katy's help (her favorite), will take her to Walmart just to go to the toys section for her to look around, he never makes her brush her teeth unless she wants to!!!, and will even let you eat chips for lunch! What's not to love.....he'll also love you unconditionally, tell your mom about 50 time a day how cute you are, and give you more kisses that you want.
Thank you for being the best kid of dad a kid could ever hope for Steve. We love you more than you know and hope you had an EXCELLENT day!
awh! isn't that the sweetest post ever! go Steve!
How come he doesn't call you 50 times a day to tell you how cute I am?
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