Wednesday, July 3, 2013

William Remix

I'm quite flabbergasted that it has been a year (dare I say over a year, playing catch up here) since this little nugget entered our world and changed it forever thereafter.

I'd like to say that I was more laid back this go around, being my second go around. I think we've been pretty relaxed about the whole situation, except for the fact that Will is 100% BOY...and his kidney complications (more on that in a minute). 

Before we had kids I wondered what life would be like having one. We both knew it was something that we wanted (of course), but it's really hard to picture yourself until you are doing it hands on everyday. We always joked that Steve was going to have a hard time with kids because of all the germs that they come with (he is mildly OCD about stuff like that). One day he excitedly came in to tell me that, "It doesn't bother me to pick up Chuck's poop anymore....I think I am ready to have kids!!!" So we did, and Katy blew our minds. She was an angel baby. And by that I mean she was the EASIEST kid I ever imagined I could have. 

So we were a family of 3 and life goes on. Everyday learning new things. Teaching Katy all we could. Learning as we go. Hoping with all our hearts that some of our "good" was rubbing off on her and the person she was becoming. My heart was so full of love for her most days I felt like it was going to just up and burst out of my chest!

How do you add to that? I mean how do you share that love with another? It wasn't until I had mister that I understood how that love could grow. And again, I'm awed how it all works...the bigger picture. Having kidos makes you realize how important the small things are. How important it is to celebrate the  fact that we are here living this life together, as one big happy family (most days *wink*)!

Being a mom to Will has taught me a few things: 

1- Boys are DIFFERENT than girls in every way. I know boys are more high energy but this kid is a TANK...and I mean that by his attitude not his stature. Poor kiddo only measured in the 13% for height and weight at his one year appointment......he is seriously moving at 110 miles an hour at all waking moments of every day. 

2- That pulling hair and pestering your sister is going to be one of your favorite things. I am hoping that your hugs are going to get you out of Katy laying the smack down in the future. It will be your only saving grace. 

3- You have me completely wrapped around your finger and it's been such a pleasure getting to know you and your personality this year. 

I absolutely cannot wait to see what this coming year has in store for us. Love you forever buddy! Happy Birthday!!!

Fresh faced at the hospital
one month
two months
three months
four months
five months
six months
seven months
eight months
nine months
10 months
11 months
one year

1 comment:

Ken and Jos said...

He's seriously the cutest!