Well the annual Beardshall White Elephant Party was a success. We had so much fun. This years party was complete with a year end slide show, thanks to Steve, and a digitially remastered version of Schmidt Happens, thanks to Jon and Michelle. Everyone laughed when Jon ended up bringing his whole computer to watch it on!!! I guess they had problems with the DVD burning process! There were many great present treasures found this year, hopefully some will make it back for this years white elephant party!!! Thanks for the memories!!!
The Cannons: Lance, Em and Dax
Steve's poo face
Jon with my white elephant favorite the Due Rag!! Is that even how you spell that?
Picture perfect Spence and Lisa
Angela and Bryson surprised by a box of Dax's poop! Thanks Lance and Em!
Nice try getting rid of it Jane, I don't think Ayna wants it either
Marin and Luke: Travel John...for the perfect road trip.
Johnny and Jane: Ball sac purse....Great!