Monday, April 2, 2012

Katy and the Bunny

I've wanted to start project 365 for, like, ever...and even though it started in March I am so glad that I have taken the opportunity to put Katy behind the lens. I was getting caught up in my iPhone pictures that my camera was collecting dust in the corner (if I wasn't taking pictures of other people).

Also, because I love photography so much, it's been nice to do something for me. I LOVE taking pictures, but my favorite are still those of my family and my sweet Katy.

Sister Katie let us come over and use her bunny Lola for the afternoon. She was great. Katy thought she was, win if you ask me. Here are some of my other favorites of todays "session"

I Love spring time and all that it has to offer. I love Easter and have been working hard with Katy the last week prepping her that Easter is really about Jesus and the resurrection. I think she is getting it. We just keep telling her that the Easter Bunny is a fun bonus of celebrating Easter.

Lola is so dark she almost just looked like a black blob in most of the pictures.

If that picture on the left doesn't look exactly like Steve...I don't know what does! Ha, it makes me laugh that she can look so much like him one minute and so much like me the next. It will be interesting to see if mister is such a good mix of the two of us.

1 comment:

Tyanna said...

Love visiting your blog and seeing all your great pics! I wish I was better at taking good, well-lit, pictures. I can't wait to see the brand new baby Will taking part in the Project 365 alongside Katy--it's gonna be here quick!