Friday, March 28, 2014

all great changes….

are preceded by chaos!

This rings so true to me at the moment. I feel like I am getting control of this life of mine. Even though we moved in August, and I feel totally at home here....I'm still trying to figure out how I fit in this "new world" of ours. Keeping my kids healthy and happy, finding quality time for Steve and I to be together, ward responsibilities, getting to know all our neighbors, playgroups, yard work, taking care of THREE dang dogs that keep eating anything in site in the backyard (good buy patio chair), me time, and anything else I can't currently think of.

There is a bit of chaos that is involved in our lives, and I want to get back to simple living. Life is not hard or complicated, it's what we choose to make of it. How am I going to choose to live my day? How am I going to choose to react to things?

Something to strive for? Yes we always have a reason to do good, a reason to be better. This is mine.....not worrying about "catching up" on what we have done (although I hope to do so soon). It's about finding a way to journal more (blog) and get this dang thing printed into a book, for my posterity of course!

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