Thursday, September 27, 2007

.logan canyon trip.

Who wouldn’t jump at a chance for a weekend trip? We went up to Logan Canyon with the Barker family. The funny thing is that we went on the same exact trip and camped in the same exact spot 4 years ago before Steve and I were married! Crazy I know. Steve and I weren’t able to go up until later, we thought we would get there at about 10 pm but didn’t get there until midnight! Thanks to my side seat driving we passed the campsite because I was sure that we had farther to go.
Another thing that made me laugh was Glen! Don’t ask! Okay I can’t resist. When we got up in the morning there was this kid eating breakfast with us. I had no idea who this was and awaited an introduction by Britney. The only introduction I got is “Amy this is Glen”. Who the? Come to find out he is just a kid that camped next to us all his brothers and sisters were about 15 years older than him and he had fun playing with Gage and TJ, although I am almost convinced that the only reason why is so he could ride their 3 wheelers. All I can do to describe this family is telling you that his dad reminded me, spot on, of the family in the National Lampoon Vacation movies. You know the brother? What was his name, Glen wasn’t much better but we had a fun time laughing about it later.

Oh by the way our trailer broke right as we were leaving. Good thing Josh and his dad were there to "rig up" the situation. We made it back to Perry where Josh's dad Darell welded it back together to get us home. Wow thanks! I'm happy to say that we made it home.


Kerry said...

Amy, cute post! I check all the time for any updates and I enjoyed seeing your new pics and stories. Camping with Glen sounds fun. Love U

Britney said...

Good write up Amy. I like the pictures too! It's fun to see my family on a blog other than my own. We need a picture of your gross hand. :)