Sunday, January 24, 2010

Belated Christmas/Holiday Festivities

I am fairly certain that we celebrated Christmas, although I am behind on my postings!!!! Certainly everyone has there traditions when it comes to the beloved holidays, as do we. We kick off the festivities with a Beardshall Christmas Eve white elephant party. This year we were bringing it back old school style and we had it at Ken and RaNae's house. The nice thing is because they live in West Valley Steve was able to grace us with his presence. Lucky for us it was a fairly slow night and he could spend most of his time with us.

It all started out quite innocent. Jordan found the giant elves
quite amusing and opted to pose with them....

Then the dancing began....

Then I tried to get a picture of all of them together...THIS is what I get!
I tell you what! Control your children Wendy and Chris!

Okay Chris we will let you off the hook tonight seeing that you are injured and all. **The imfamous sprained ankle picture!!! Chris sprained it delivering neighbor Christmas gifts. He is hard core all the way** So Chris is off the hook but, as you can see, Wendy is clearly capable!!! Come on now!!!

After the gift exchange (more about my gift in a later post) we held still enough for
Carter to take a group shot.

Then once he had a hold of my camera

And THIS.....

And even THIS.....Wendy!!!! (In all seriousness I always find myself amused with the Olson family!!! Thanks for all the laughs!!!)

It's been a tradition in our house to open presents at 2:00 the morning of Christmas. Yes that is correct, 2:00AM. I blame this on being married to a night owl. I figured now that we have Katy we'll get up at a decent hour and let the wrapping paper fly. This was not the case again seeing that Steve was working on Christmas Eve and both Katy and Steve decided to sleep in on Christmas. (Sadly we opened presents the day after Christmas!!!) Don't be too worried about it though because I have vowed to take back the control next year and open presents in the morning like most regular folks do. I guess I just need to make sure that Steve is actually awake to enjoy in the memories, right? There is always next year I suppose!

After we stuffed our faces at Roger and Joanne's, we went to my moms and stuffed our faces!!! Steve worked on Christmas as well so this group shot is missing him, and of course Josh...the photographer.

New Years Eve I opted to join my buds at the Discovery Gateway Kids Museum. I'm quite certain that all my sicknesses that I have graced this January came directly from this place!!! I guess there is no avoiding it when you have a place packed full of kidos and moms and everything in between.

Katy seemed to be at an age that she actually really enjoyed herself. She thought the slide was pretty fantastic, but also she seemed to be attached to the swan too...

Nicole and Oakley came, along with Sheena and the boys and Holly and the girls. We opted for lunch afterwards at Jason's Deli. And although Nicole so graciously offered her house for a new years celebration (looks like I missed out), I drove up to Sheena's house to watch G Force and called it a night. Thanks for having us over Sheena, and being lazy! Us single gals (crazy schedule husbands) need to stick together!!!


Wendy Olson said...

I don't know what you are talking about. That was controlled for my children!!!!!

Wendy Olson said...

I don't know what you are talking about. That was controlled for my children!!!!!

Britney said...

Cute, I love that picture of all of us. Where was Brynn?