Friday, February 19, 2010


What do you get when you mix:

1. Girls Weekend
2. A Suburban
3. Food
4. Mad Gab/Scrabble
5. Running
6. Food
7. Susie???

Crazy St. George Running Weekend Extravaganza 2010!!! That is what you get!

My work out group, the Hot Mamma's (yes we named ourselves!) decided that we needed a goal to work towards, what better than a St. George girls weekend? Okay we just wanted an excuse to get out for a few days. A big shout out to all the husbands who held the fort down! We couldn't have done it without you!

It all started on a Friday morning when Susie picked us up in the BEAST, or suburban. I think beast better describes it. I had the pleasure of experiencing it from the back the way back! Katy actually was along for the ride too since I was only staying over night and we had left her the weekend before. (Really can you ask me to leave her again? It was hard enough being away two nights for seattle!). I guess Susie used to drive this think in high school if you can imagine. She was a good sport because every time we were either laughing our head off or screaming she would just respond with "Do you realize how big this thing is?" Good point, I don't think that I could have driven the beast.

The great Jamie has family connections and hooked us up with a 7 bedroom, 3 kitchen condo. $5.00 a night, what up??? Thank you so much Jamie that was the coolest!

We of course hit up some shopping, some eating at the Brick Oven (which was an hour wait but well worth it), and some crazy game playing. You know that you are getting too wild when you are loosing it playing Scrabble and Mad Gabb(is that one or two b's).

Angela, Jena, Angie, Laurie, Jeanette, Sheena, Susie....and cut off Jamie!

Oh my gosh we are on a roll with the word "HAIR" even though there is no place on the board to use it!

Ang, Me, Jamie, Jeanette, Jena, Laurie.......Jamie had the Gab down packed!!! Through trial and error we decided that talking like a Robot was the best plan of action. I am just going to say that Jamie was the best Mr. Roboto ever!!! You-made-me-laugh-so-hard. Okay so we didn't win but I think we had the hardest laughs thanks to Jamie!!!

Whatever it is they have I want it because they all look so happy!!! This picture pretty much sums up our game time!!!

Don't ask I said we didnt win! Anyone know what it says???

Sheena was my champ and watched Katy while we ran, I guess she was having too much fun for her own good. I swear I have more pictures of her asleep in her stroller. A testament to all the fun we have I guess!

Angela, Jena, Jeanette, Laurie and Nickie (not pictured) ran the half and the rest of us ran the 5K. Can't wait until next year ladies!
PS I have officially decided that the "jumping" picture is not the best look for me *see first picture*


Alesha said...

How fun is that? SO FUN! I want to come. lol Does that card say "healthy skin"? I love that game!

Kerry said...

What a fun life you have. Never a dull moment..