Thursday, July 15, 2010

Still broken!

This is how the "incident" went down......

We had decided to go on a trail ride on the motorcycles. Katy of course had to ride with dad. They went over a big jump and Katy feel off the bike!

Ha! If only something cooler like that happened. In all honesty it happened when she was in the care of me, only me. Sorry Steve, but you would have thought something like this would have happened when it was just the two of you!

Some water had spilled in the kitchen, so I wiped it up. I guess I didn't do a very good job because when Katy came in to ask for some milk and I turned around to get some....she slipped right on the wet floor! I pretty much heard the fall, when I turned around to pick her up she was flat on her back. This has happened before, not on the water, but on slippery I thought nothing of it. But she was screaming and I could tell something was definatly wrong. When she went to grab her blanket from off the floor and collapsed, we were off to the insta care. After about an hour of waiting and trying not to get her to walk on it we were seen by the doctor. She performed her amazing collapsing trick for him too and got to get an xray after that. The tech was so cute....she gave her a sucker. I kept telling her that we were only going to have to take a picture of it. But because she was fighting us we had to hold her down, which I'm imagining did not feel too good on her leg. She would scream, take a lick of her sucker, thrash, take a lick of her sucker! When she was done she was actually quite please with her sucker!

Not 5 minutes after we got back to the room the doctor poked his head around the corner and asked me to squeeze the bottom of her shin bone, to witch she forgot about her sucker and screamed again. He explained that because he was only one notch below the boogie man, in terms of scariness, she would have screamed either was if he touched her! Smart guy. He then showed me her xray and explained that she had suffered a toddler fracture. He said that they would splint it up but we would have to see a specialist who deals with these every day.

For any of you that know Katy she was defiantly not feeling well the next few days because we spent our 4th of July weekend watching TV and movies. She just sat there, not even trying to move. She tried to put pressure on it a few times, would scream and cry, then ask for her blanket and we would watch more TV! Luckily mom was kind enough to come over to watch one of my favorites, Captain Ron, for the 3rd of July celebration. You don't even know how much I appreciated you coming over mom! Plus, Sheena and her kids came over after they went to the parade earlier that day and bought Katy a big bag of candy, a necklace and some new blue bandage so she could be festive. Camden was pretty sure that when he heard that Katy had broke her leg that it had in fact broke right off her body. He was pleased that this was not the case!

The cast went on last Tuesday. She has had it on a bit over a week and it has not phased her a bit. Plus she is feeling much better and has even been running on it a bit. The full leg cast promotes walking I'm told. Um....more like it promotes running! We are also very lucky that it's waterproof and that it comes off on the 26th, just about a month total since we broke it on the 2nd. I guess this thing will come in handy when we are up in Park City next week swimming!

I just have to laugh because ever since we were at Snowbird, Katy decided that she didn't want to sleep in her pack and play...and when we got home her crib. You would have thought she would have broken it falling out of there. We actually got to the point that we had to take the front of her crib off so she would not hurt herself climbing out. I would find her sleeping under her chair or by the trash can on the floor. So I guess the one good thing that has come out of this is that the crib is back in full swing and she cant hoist herself up with that leg!!!! We'll have to see what happens after. We may be moving to a big bed....MUCH sooner that I had hoped!

I opted for the purple cast. I thought it would looks less gross when all was said and done because it's darker. She did not like getting this thing on!!!


Ken and Jos said...

That's really sad!! Poor Katy, I hope she feels better soon!

Ken and Jos said...

That's really sad!! Poor Katy, I hope she feels better soon!

Alesha said...

That is pretty much the saddest cutest thing. Awe.

Ashley said...

that is so sad she broke it so easy, but she looks so cute in that tiny cast. i'm glad she's doing ok and that she doesn't mind wobbling around in it, i bet it looks cute watching her walk with it!

Britney said...

So sad. At least her hair looks good! ;)

Love her!

T.Irwin said...

When my brother was about this age, he'd climbed onto the kitchen counter and had fell off. He didn't break his leg, only sprained it. He didn't move for a while, either.

She is adorable!! This will be a fun memory for her, later. :)

Anonymous said...

But seriously could she be any cuter? How sad for you and her to go through all of that trauma. I have never known a year of so many broken bones. Good luck little momma!!!