Sunday, April 7, 2013

Love me some Carmel

Seeing that Rachey was the birthday girl, we let her decide how she wanted to spend her day. We had the option of going either to Point Lobos State Park or the aquarium. She opted for the more low key day of the park and the beach.

Wow what a sight, this was amazing. I don't recall ever actually going to this park, but I'm so glad we had the chance to. You could turn in your car keys for a set of binoculars, which Katy promptly took charge of. A nature natural for sure.

It felt like there were so many different "worlds" to explore with the trees and the rocky shore as well.

The ocean to me is completely amazing, and I wish I had better access to it. It's so vast and overwhelming to think about. I love it, and am totally afraid of it in the same breath. Today we were friends.

It was a super fun morning, the kids had so much fun exploring.

After we went home for lunch we walked down to the beach to do some more exploring. Katy and I walked up and down the shore looking for the perfect sea shells. Steve and Will went on a drive, so it was just us girls down there.

After a while Katy began to complain of her stomach hurting. I figured it was probably because she was hungry...she is a pretty picky eater and hadn't been eating much this trip.

Boy was I wrong because when we went back to the beach towel to grab something to eat she got sick everywhere. And that was not the first of it. While we were at the beach she threw up about 6 times, and didn't stop once we got home. Poor poor thing. I carried her back to the she is getting big because my arms were jello by the time we got back.

We stayed in our room the rest of the night while the others went out to eat for Rachel's birthday. While everyone was gone Steve was hit by the bug and spent the night in the bathroom. This was all on top of Will having crazy blow outs still (I thought from the pineapple, but at this point I was starting to question whether he had a bug or not).

This was sweet Katy before she was so so sick.

When they returned from dinner I went up to have cake and ice cream with the birthday girl, curtsey of Andrew...he makes a mean funfetty cake!

Our family was not the only ones hit. That night Jon and Tommy got sick and Jane was not feeling so well the following night. Aside from the fact the Davis's told us that after there return Annie had a case of RSV and a double ear infection. I guess it's just a good thing we are so close of friends!


The Hardy's said...

Gorgeous pictures at the beach! I am sorry to hear that you guys got sick on vacation--that's the worst! Hopefully it was fun inspite of all the yuckies.

Michelle Schmidt said...

Oh how I miss that trip! Minus everyone being sick :)