Saturday, May 4, 2013

4 x 12 February

February 2013.

February is kind of like the armpit of the calendar year, am I right? Perhaps that is just the case for Utah but usually it's kind of BLAAA as far as secenery and weather are concerned. You can imagine, however, how February in Carmel California would be a welcomed change of pace.

We were randomly invited by our friends the Schmidts to spend time in California with them. It was the perfect random road trip adventure to break things up for this month. Our kidos had a blast of course. I do wish that we could say that we didn't have to deal with the throw ups and poops...but we survived.

Side story for you. Steve called me the other day and went on and on about how we would be getting another police dog. Yes, another dog. Apparently a lot of other agencies have dual dogs and they thought it would be a good idea to give it a try and they figured Steve would be the perfect candatite. I am imagining it has something to do with the fact that Steve is one of the hardest working cops and they knew he could totally handle it. our conversation about getting a dog. I felt like I was in a dream. He was so excited and going on and on about how this is crazy and he was so glad they chose him to do it and how everyone is saying it cant be done and he was excited to make it work. I stopped him at the end of the conversation and jokingly started having a conversation with my self that went something like this: "Oh Amy how do you feel about that?" "Well Steve I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the idea and it scared me a bit" at which point he paused and said that he was so sorry for not taking a minute to see how I would feel about all of this. I told him that even though he was crazy I loved him and would support what he needed to do. He has told me multiple times how lucky he is that he married me because pretty much this would not happen for anyone else because their wifes would say no way jose.

"On the way home" (as Steve describes it) from Carmel we stopped in Wellington, NV to pick up Steve's new police dog Chief. Imagine me saying on the way home while doing air quotes because this little stop on the way home took us WAY FAR out of our way. We left California at about 6:30ish in the morning and did not return until after midnight! Let me tell you how fun that was with poor Will  throwing up all overhimself and having a blow out every 10 minutes and having a new puppy in the car. Good times? Not really. But overall our trip to California was pretty perfect!

As you can imagine most of the rest of the month was spent trying to potty train Chief in my house with a kid that is crawling around. Not recommended. I do have a bit of a disclaimer though, I absolutly HATED Chuck when we first got him. For realsy. Hard to believe now because he is seriously my sidekick and best pal in town. I do feel as though I have 5 kids some days, but we make it work...and Steve works so hard. I don't really have to do much when it comes to the police dogs, but I still like to put it out there that I am awesome for dealing with all of this *wink*

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