Saturday, October 27, 2007

.monster mash.

We decided we needed to have a Monster Mash this year, and boy did we have one. We actually ended up watching Office Episodes, they are so funny to watch with Steve and Luke becaues they laugh non stop!

Here Steve is making home made root beer....Spooky!

The Kidlets...Dax, Talia, and Abbey

Woody and Bo Peep from Toy Story AKA Rachel and Davis

50's Baby! Luke and Marin

The Preacher and the Prego Nun along with Donald Duck AKA The Cannons

Prison Mike (The Office) and the Po Po AKA Steveo and Amster

Janey and Johnny the Thug

The Duncans

Steffan and Steve

The Schmidt's AKA......I'm not quite sure but it made me laugh!


Britney said...

Look at all those fun costumes. The picture of Steve with the "spooky" root beer made me laugh out loud!!!

Kerry said...

You guys have so much fun. Cute pictures, cleaver costumes.