Sunday, November 25, 2007

.a beardshall tradition.

The finished product, as you can see Steve an I got it crooked in our tree stand! Oh well it gives our "Charlie Brown" tree some character. We like to keep it simple with the big lights and the fake popcorn and cranberry garland, Merry Christmas!
The hunt is on! For Christmas trees that is. Now if you all remember last year when we went to get trees our clutch went out right when we got there, in Evanston that is. So you can imagine how Joanne was skeptical when we mentioned driving together. She was sure that we would break down. We had to remind her that we had a different car this year and she reluctantly decided to go with us in the same car. We had a great time. Where we go there is not a lot of blue spruces, the state tree of Utah, but Roger was convinced that we would find some. These are the traditional Christmas trees that you see at all the tree lots. Well we drove and drove and drove some more and we actually found some!

Do you like my kids boots? They were on sale!


Britney said...

Look how cute your Charlie Brown Christmas tree is, love it!

Kerry said...

So glad you had a good experience with the Christmas tree this year! It's a perfect Charlie Brown tree.