Saturday, February 9, 2008

Freakin' Freezing

I think Dr. Evil said it best when he told Mr. Bigglesworth that "It's Freakin' Freezing in here!" 
I am so sick of the cold weather! Hopefully by my birthday we will see some nice Spring changes! I guess I would have a better outlook on things if I could hit the slopes! Enjoy the COLD weather!!!


King Family said...

We totally agree with you it is so cold. our house looked like yours with that snow storm last Sunday (I guess that would make since since we live on the same street). We ended up riding with our neighbors to church because we could not get our car out and we did not have time to shovel. I am so excited that you have a blog.

Kerry said...

Well, I think I'm getting used to the snow. I just wake up shovel before I go to work, come home and shovel when I get home. Hey, it's just part of the routine by now. . . I will say that the year you were born it was unusually warm. When we came home from the hospital we had daffodils and violets blooming all over the place and I remember leaving the back screen door open and the sun was streaming in. It was a great year.