Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

The dog days of summer...what does that mean anyway? I am pretty sure Chuck could care less that it's summer, except for the fact that he doesn't get to come with me to the store quite so often because it's too hot for him. Now that I'm thinking of this I am convinced that Chuck is not a fan of the summer.

I would tend to agree with Chuck. Let's think about this for a minute: It's HOT!, it's swimsuit season, and when it's over you are that much closer to aging another year. Did I mention it's hot?

Having Katy must have thrown my body out of whack with the universe. I am HOT all the time now. I figured I was hot when I was preggers because I had a bun in the oven. But as time has progressed I do believe that the roles have reversed for Steveo and I. I am the one that is always hot, even though I am the cheapo and wont turn down the air!

It's swimsuit season. Enough said. Although I tell myself every day that nothing will ever quite be the same, I pick up a mag and find Ashley Simpson in a swimsuit looking better than ever. I am pretty sure we had the kidlets about the same time. How is this possible? It must be because I don't have the personal chef, and the 6 hours a day to devote to exercise...right? That is what I am sticking to today (**I do know that it's possible, but it will take me giving up my latest addiction -Jr. Mints- to do so and I am not ready for that). The muffin-top intervention may be closer than I think.

All in all, summer is not my favorite time of year. But I am convinced that some good comes from summer. As highlighted in my "Lost Pictures" below:

Zach throwing around the hula hoop with Gage at Brynn's 1st Birthday. *Note to self: this was much advanced beyond my rhythmic skills*

RaNae can usually put a smile on my face. Even when it's hot out!

Basically just the essence of Robyn, as captured in this picture. Who said that "bum wars" were not worth the effort?
Temple dedications with family. Plus Chick-fil-a for dinner before hand! Whew kids meal!

Getting to have a new baby Brynne. Good things come in twos (especially when you have one on both sides 6 months before and after Katy)
Getting to go down to Gateway and participate in the "white trash" festivities. I think you all know what I am referring to? Yes, the fountain. I vowed that I would never be one of those moms. Look who seems to be having a great time...ME!
Pretty much just getting great picture opportunities, like this one with Grandma Kerry. As you can see, Katy gets her ravenous figure from me!


Rob Dog said...

Oh my!! the bum war picture sure does not make me look real attractive does it...but guess what its ok cause I WON!!! ha ha ha!! jk!! great pictures!!

Kerry said...

Grandma and Katy, I think that's pretty cute! That was fun especially the water slide. We for sure have to go again next summer!