Thursday, October 15, 2009

Where are we?

This must have been the question my sister Katie was asking herself when she last saw us. Why? Well...

It all started with my hair-brained idea I got about taking pictures out at the salt flats. What could be cooler? So I figured I would call Katie and Zach to see if they would be in for a improv photo session. Unfortunately (or fortunately for him, depending on how you look at it) Zach was not feeling up to par, so he did not join us for our adventures.

I was just feeling like goofing off and seeing what the salt flats were even like. Now how do we get there? Well I know they are out by the Great Salt Lake, so they must be in Tooele or so? Well lets see, that should take us about a half hour or 45 minutes to get to. We should be there by about 5:30. Not so, my friend. Do you realize that if you want to go to the salt flats, and I am talking the real deal salt flats, you have to travel to West Wendover? Well you do!

As you can see from our fun, we did not quite make it there. Even thought I kept thinking, and saying out loud, that we must be getting close. "I'm sure that it's just around that bend." All in all it turned out to be a great night. Even more so when Steve informed us that we were running on fumes and he hoped that we could make it to Wendover to get gas! Yikes! Needless to say we had a great time catching up and chatting with Katie.

Oh and you know how I said that we would have Katie home by 9 o'clock at the latest? Well that turned into 11 o'clock! Sorry!!!

I am totally rockin' my Miley Walmart shirt!!! Yeah!
No shame!


Rob Dog said...

These are really cool pictures!! Katie is really so pretty!! The balloons were a really cool idea!! We drove to Wendover once and it was really so much farther away than I thought!! !! But if you go out there ever you really should make steve get some pictures in front of the ball tree!! It was always mine and steve's favorite as kids! I honestly thought it was like almost in Canada when I was younger cause it seemed so far away! I was shocked when I found out it was like an hour from home! But Steven and I would get so excited to pass it! (even if he does not admit it!!) :)

Ken and Jos said...

Those turned out AWESOME!!!!

Kerry said...

Wow, I think the drive was worth it! I love all of these, they are really, really cool!

Anonymous said...

Love love love all of these!!! Especially the half shot of Katie...she is gorgeous!!! and I love the one of Katy flying high!!! So fun!

Denice said...

These are so amazing Amy! I just had Katie chop my hair off on Saturday and she told me you have a photo blog..send me the link! I would love to see it! :)