Can I just say that Memorial Day weekend was such a great weekend for free runs!!!!
It all started with my stake 5K.......
I opted to take Katy and the jogging stroller, along with the rest of my ward. Mind you, I have not run with her in this thing probably since she was 6-8 months old!!! I had to wake her up to go of course, and she was not a happy camper. We got off to a good start, all was well, until Katy decided she didn't want to be there. "I got up for this? Are you joking?" If she could talk....these are the phrases you would have heard. We actually ran right by Sheena's house....did we wake you up Sheena? By the end I felt so bad, not only for Katy but for everyone running around me! I swear I ran right behind these two girls for the last mile and a half, ruining their peaceful morning run!!!! Katy was screaming bloody murder at this point!!!!! Faster, faster is all I kept thinking.
It's pretty embarrassing when you are crossing the finish line with people clapping and yet staring in horror at Katy's blood curdling screams!!!! At least I can laugh about it now. Just a sorry for all of you that had to endure that! And sorry to Katy for getting her up, clearly before she wanted to!
Still a bit upset here, but calming down for sure. The treats at the end helped!
The water helped too....
Then my running buddy SIL Wendy called me Sunday night to run the steeple chase with her in the morning. Really I have heard of steeple chases, and to be honest, could not tell you what they are. At least this race made sense seeing that we ran from the Oquirrh Hills Temple to the Jordan River Temple....get it steeple chase? Ha, funny right? It was an awesome run, 5 miles...just perfect. Plus, like Wendy said, we got it over for the day and it was totally free. You can do it in the fall and I think you pay, I guess they just wanted to have a practice run.
We were smart and planned ahead too. I met her in the parking lot of the Jordan River Temple and we drove to Oquirrh Hills. The plan was to have a car at the end so we did not have to wait for the shuttle. We were all rested and stretched up when we walked to Wendy's car and realized that we left her keys in my car!!!! Ha, not so smart after all I guess! We walked to Wendy's house, I took there car home, got ready and we headed back for breakfast. At least they knew why I was late!!!!
Thanks for the good run and the good times Wendy...maybe we'll have to do it again in the fall if we remember the keys!
PS: yes I know that I am wearing the same did hit the washing machine in-between!!! I guess I didn't realize I grabbed the same shirt and I can't help these are my favorite lay off!