Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pool Party!

So my friends are awesome and have decided that we don't hang out enough. What do you do about that? Plan to get together more. We are going oldest to youngest and are trying to get together about every other Friday. One Friday will be gals/kids day and the other will be for everyone. Angela had the gals over for a water party our first time. Katy and I didnt make it because we were getting over a cold and didn't want the kidos to get sick. So you can imagine that I was happy when we could make it to Michelle's night together at the Schmidts for a pool party/BBQ. Let me tell you, we had a BLAST! Ha I think it was throwing Katy off when Dr. Schmidt came out to say hi! Thanks for the good times we really did have a BLAST!

The boys....whoo whoo!

We had Grayden that night. Wendy and her family went to see Harry Potter and decided it would be too scary for him. I think he was happy to find out we were going swimming. He kept saying that he was going to bring his mom and dad back to come swimming!

Michelle and Abbey. She was quite the diving board jumper for sure!

Bryson and Kyson making the shot!

Ha, Anna was such a CHEESE! I was lovin' taking pictures of her. Hey Anna, let's hang out and take more pictures. She could probably do that all day!

Katy liked the hot tub best. She especially loved to put bubbles on Steve's head!

Jon was pretty good with Abbey when she was so small. Now the torch has been passed to Anna. Katy attempted but I think Anna takes the cake on this one! Good try Katy! On a complete side note...Steve won the farmers tan contest! Ok we really didn't have an actual contest but I made him the winner!

Ang and Kyson. Love that it's just his head floating there in the bubbles!

Tommy was stinkin cute too! He thought it was cool to see himself in the lens!

Talia was having a pretty good time as well in the hot tub!

Katy was pretending to be Marley. She makes me laugh that she always wants to pretend to be a dog! Hey I guess that is what happens when you are a dog family!

And I of course couldn't resist taking some shots of baby Siena. The many faces of Siena! She is a cuttie too. I guess our friends all just make really cute babies! We missed Andrew and Rachel and Luke and Marin...oh and also the Cannons! Until next Friday!


Lance and Em said...

You know you guys can't have too much fun with us! Looks like a great time! BTW we are going to be in town August 10- 20... any chance we would be invited??

The Duncans said...

Amy those are awesome pictures. You make the most normal of events look like a magazine spread. Thanks to you we have grteat snapshot of our kiddos. For sure Em, you are always welcome (I know you asked Amy but I thought I'd let you know everyone wants you to come :))!

Michelle Schmidt said...

Wow, that is quite a shot of Jon. I laughed really hard at how ridiculous he looks. Love the pics, I will be stealing them. Thanks for documenting, who is up next? You guys were very missed in St. George hope all is well.