Thursday, April 29, 2010


I thought it would be a good time to go and feed the ducks by my moms house. Katy is going to love this for sure! Maybe not?

That kid kept thinking we were trying to get her to eat all our old bread stumps! Mind you, she doesn't like bread in the first place. I always seem to think it's a good idea to feed her the sacrament bread...until she hits it away! This girl wont touch the stuff. I can guess where she got it from though. Sadly I did not like bread growing up. I remember just choking down PB and Js! I actually didn't really like sandwiches until I married Steve. I am SO weird! OH NO! Now Katy is too!

Needless to say she did like the ducks and the quacks, so we ended up having a good time...even if it was Steve and I that were doing the feeding!


Ken and Jos said...

Dude, I absolutely LOVE Katy's shoes in this pic and the vans in the other.

Britney said...

Ha ha, I LOVE her shoes too! :)