Monday, June 20, 2011

California Vacation Extravaganza///Son of a Beach!

We spent our last few days having a few more adventures. We headed to Hollywood, but didn't quite make it down to the walk of fame before our meter expired....

We went to the international police museum, but it was closed....

This pretty shiner under Joanne's arm was due to a fall we experienced in McDonalds the day before. If only you were there! I mean it was quite funny after the fact. She tripped on a chair and had her hands full of a drink and catsup. Both RaNae and I didn't know what happened before she was on the floor! Poor thing, we spent the rest of the trip laughing at her!

When all else fails go to the beach, too bad we couldn't go in our suits. We made the most of the day by playing in the sand, shopping and going to dinner.

Sun set was pretty cool even though these pictures don't even do it justice.

Until next time California! We had a BLAST!!!

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