Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sleepy Head

We have had a house full of sickies lately. Steve actually was sick enough he needed to take a day off work....which hasn't happened since he caught phenomena about 7 years ago! Sometimes it's not "mental" as he would say.

Katy told me today...."mom, my runny nose won't go away". That is the part about being sick that usually stays around the longest, the congestion and runny nose.

I'm impartial but aren't those eyelashes to dye for! Ha....

I am lucky enough that I can usually take a nap when I need it....which is A LOT lately! I just tell Katy that we are going to go take a rest (for some reason if I call it a nap it doesn't have the same charm). We go up on my bed and turn some shows on and she is out in 5 minutes. The shows get turned off and we take a snooze!

A few days ago she was so exhausted from being sick and not sleeping very good the night before, a nap was just what she needed. I couldn't resist the opportunity to take these.

Those lips! I always joke with Steve that you know he's really in his deep sleep when his mouth opens up a little while he is sleeping. I'm going to go ahead and say Katy get's this super cute trait from her dad!

Feel better sleepy head!


Britney said...

Love that last one! Makes me want to smooch those lips!!!

ruthie said...

Amy - she is so cute! Kids are SO cute when they are sleeping. They can be terrors all day long, but when they are sleeping all is forgotten.

Tyanna said...

She is so cute! Having sick kids is NO FUN--but I think its sometimes worse as a Mom to be sick when little ones still have a list of daily needs to be met with. Hope you continue to stay healthy through the rest of your pregnancy--just a few more months and he'll be here!! SO EXCITING!!