Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Katy Remix 4th Edition

So here we go again....this kid is 4, count em' FOUR! Wow. That is really all I have to say about that. They say Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was Katy, but I'm certain that she is becoming an amazing person with each passing day. I guess I'm trying to say that this girl of mine, she is something else. I learn so so much from the things that are going on in her head, and the things that come out of her mouth. Here are some things that come to mind...

1) Katy makes me the absolute best person I could ever imagine becoming, while at the same time testing my patience and pushing me to the limits. I'm learning that Katy can be very stubborn (a trait she no doubt got from me...although I wouldn't ever admit that!), and her teenage years are going to be interesting. A big shout out to Steve for being the best referee we could ask for, and for running interference when needed. 
2) She reminds me about the simple pleasures we can find in everyday ordinary things (like all the jokes she makes up and laughs hysterically at, or making a soccer goal for the other team), and about how we are so lucky to have all that we have. 
3) She sure has a LONG way to go in the sharing department...but she can be the sweetest big sister you could ever wish for. She is Will's biggest cheerleader and always claps and cheers for him when he does something she finds amusing (which is pretty much everything, except sharing her toys)! 

Katy we love you to Disneyland and back and we wouldn't trade you for a rabbit that makes ice cream sundays (something she reminds us of everyday). Here's to you....















anya said...

she is so freakin' darling Amy and Steve!

Ashley said...

that first picture of Katy is beautiful! She seriously has the prettiest little face ever!!

Ken and Jos said...

She is getting so big. She is darling!

Tyanna said...

You are such a talented photographer. I love the collection of photos you've posted of her, she is such a lovely little girl....I love her little teeth when she smiles big. The 'cloudy with a chance of snowballs' birthday party theme is ADORBS!! and seriously that cloudy cake made me GREEEEEEEN with envy!! it was awesome. all four of sennah's cakes have topped the charts of LAME!!
p.s. i want a chalkboard wall. and its all because of you!

Todd and Susie said...

Happy Birthday Katy!! Your Photo timeline is amazing. :)