Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Baby B Week 19

Well you are officially a boy! I am not too surprised, although we did think you were going to be a girl. I guess most of the old wives tales were right. It's weird to think we will have a little buddy around here soon. Steve was excited for sure. I am excited and think it will be perfect to have one of each, but I am SO in girl mode right now. Steve keeps telling me that I need to make sure I am not going to decorate this nursery girly. It needs to be manly! I have to get approval on nursery items, per Steve!
Katy has been so funny this pregnancy. At first she was convinced she was having a brother. Then a sister. This past week it's been a boy again, and yet she cried when the ultra sound tech said we were having a boy! We have her on video saying that she is sad because she loves girls more than she loves boys. She was making us laugh, she kept saying that the baby was all slimey and we were going to have to give the baby a bath. She is excited to meet him though and said that she will be a great big sister.
I got a call last Thursday requesting me to go in for another look at his kidneys. They were concerned that he had a cyst on one of them. After I went on Monday they told me that there is no cyst but that one of his kidneys has an extra tube draining to his bladder (normal kidneys only have one tube draining into the bladder). This could mean a number of things, so they are going to keep an eye on it. I have several more ultra sounds scheduled, another one in 6 weeks. As far as they can tell at least the one kidney is functioning completely normally because my amnionic fluid is at a normal level. The one in question may be functioning normally as well. They say only time will tell. Worse case scenario is that he will have to have surgery. We are hopeful that things will work out just fine, and feel incredibly blessed to live in a time of modern medicine. I feel like little buddy is in great hands!
We really can't wait to meet him!


Nicole said...

Congrats on a boy!!! These little guys sure are giving us problems early :) This post sounds sounds like my pregnancy...super sick, multiple ultrasounds, way different than Oakley. Crazy.

I am also with you about being in total girly mode. I don't know how to decorate for a boy - it has been an interesting transition :)

Tyanna said...

Congrats Amy!! I remember feeling pretty certain I was having a girl and when the Ultrasound tech said it was a boy, I felt perplexed the whole day...I mean I was excited, of course, but all I knew was GIRL and I knew I could do a girl...but, a boy?
All I can say is I am SOOOOOO glad I have a little boy. Boys are fun and sweet in such special and different ways. Its nice to still be able to do the cute-girly things with Sen and its especially nice to NOT have to do Dutch's hair ( :
So happy for you guys! Katy will love it!

Ashley said...

congrats! It's fun to have one of each, you'll be a pro at both:)
I hope everything is ok with the little guy and that he stays nice and healthy.

Sheena said...

So, I am thinking that "baby B" needs a name now... I feel like I am reading about a science experiment! (Ha! Not really, but I need to call him something!) Congrats again for like the 10th time! You know I am partial to boys!

McKell Callister said...

Congrats! I DO love little boys...although I never thought I'd have 3 of them! So excited for you, though. Hope things start looking better for his kidneys...I agree that modern technology and medicine is SUPER!