Thursday, January 6, 2011

treats anyone?

I guess it's not the best idea to go ahead and make yourself treats when you are trying to avoid them! But that is exactly what we did! Since Brit and I don't live too close together, we try to get together as much as possible. I guess in a way it's a good excuse to do something out of the ordinary. Today was no exception, although I am not sure it was the best idea for me!

Mom cleaned out her cupboards and found all her old sucker making stuff. Brit and I split it all and have been talking about making suckers ever since. I just had to swing by my favorite place orson GYGI! We'll we needed some flavors. We got Key Lime, Root Beer and Watermelon.

Resist the SUGAR Amy......

Pretty simple process all in all....just a bit time consuming.

1- Set up your molds. We put wax paper under ours which, surprisingly, worked out great. Hit them with a bit of pam.
2- Combine 2 C sugar, 2/3 C light corn syrup and 3/4 cup water.
3- Heat on stove until sugar dissolves, then bring to a boil.
4- When candy thermometer reaches 260 degrees add your food coloring. Don't worry about stirring it because the bubbling will incorporate all the color.
5- When temp reaches 300 degrees take off the stove.
6- When mixture stops boiling, add your flavor and stir
7- Pour in molds
8- ENJOY....unless you are not eating treats!

Britney took the first batch pouring duties. Wow she did so much better than me. Mine were so sad looking...if I wasn't overfilling them I was under filling them! Too much or too little! Yummmmm, watermelon! I am wiping the drool!

Oh and we did not realize that the root beer flavor was actually colored. So we put this awesome neon blue all over in there and when we added the flavor it turned into a beautiful poop brown color!!!! And on our last batch we decided to for green, the key lime was not colored so we wanted a light subtle green color and they totally came out kind of a weird yellow!!! Maybe it was me or maybe it was those crazy neon colors but we sucked in the color department!

I snagged this cute sucker mold there too. I thought it would be fun for valentines day. Gage and TJ were making me laugh so hard!

I love this one how Brynn is trying to hold up her Mickey Mouse sucker like the lips she saw TJ and Gage doing! It was sheer maddness over there I tell ya....Brit was watching her cute niece Marin and nephew Will too. The more the merry!

Ha, Brit was making me laugh so hard with her lips!

I was going for the pucker up and kiss me face, but I guess you cant really make a lips sucker pucker up! Oh the sucker touched my lips briefly and it was heavenly!!!! Ahhhh, sugar!

Katy was on cloud 9! Please excuse the crazy has sucker in it!

After we ate our suckers, we toasted over some milk and had a yummy dinner!
I must admit that I didn't have a sucker....but I did try some of the left over *bits* is what I was calling them. Is that cheating??? I am feelin' pretty bad about it now, but kind of not as bad as I should be feelin'...should that make me feel bad??? :)

After the kidos went to bed, Katy helped Brit and I make these CUTE coffee filter flower garlands for Valentines! I know it's not until next month but there is love in the air over here at Team Beardshall!
day five.

Is it clicking?
Are you getting into the groove of things?

About this's time to ask yourself:
Am I making the most of every minute? every day? every week?

And I say:
to become your best self.

This is it. The days are whizzin' by no matter what. And we are on day FIVE!
Celebrate your successes. Learn from your mistakes.
And either are becoming your best self!

5 days down.....16 to go!!!! Carpe diem!!!!


McKell Callister said...

Mmmm! Making suckers is so fun! I remember doing it when I was a kid. Perhaps I'll have to invest in some molds someday and pass along the fun to my own chidren. I think it's totally legit for you to just eat the 'scraps' way that officially qualifies as a TREAT:) Go Amy!

Britney said...

I love getting together and working on projects together! Next year I promise I'll make it to your house more!