Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting there....

Nice, Katy was loving' this frog at the aquarium....but was HATING everything else. Poor thing, screamed like a girl the whole time! And my playgroup was wondering why I didn't but a season pass? Ha. I like the Aquarum but not that much! Note to self: I need a flash. Love my camera for sure and it's low light shooting capabilities but not great for kidos moving at 100 miles an hour!

Next up....create. That is my new word for 2011. Well I have 2 (more on that later) but one of my words to "live" by is CREATE. So what better way than to make a crib quilt variation on Katy's? For a cousins shower. It's amazing how DIFFERENT something can turn out just by what materials you choose. I love sewing and am in love with this particular project. It's turning out quite nice, thanks!

Lastly I LOVE photography. It's my favorite. I actually have been quite lazy about updating my photoblog lately. I guess I am trying to simplify things around here. I figured I can just post some of my favorite shots from my last shoots here on Team Beardshall. Hey... one less thing to update! And I was a lot more busy last year than I thought. I by no means am promoting myself here, because in all honestly I want to keep things simple with photography (not to say that I don't want to have some shoots to look forward to). I just don't want my love of photography to take me away too much from my loves here at Team Beardshall!


Love is all you need when you have a family this cute! I know this is not my normal style editing but I love how this turned out! You can just tell how much they love each other here!

Robyn graduated from the U and needed a picture for the wall! I love how this one turned out!

And honestly do I even need to say anything here? This is my FAVORITE little guy ever. I LOVE cake smash shoots! Look at that face....oh and is that tie to die for? Watch out ladies....I am saving him for Katy!


I guess I can't forget about the 21 day challenge! So we are at day 16 here. How are you doing? I am doing pretty well. Actually really well. Oh and I did have a Cadbury Egg on Sunday! It was heavenly! I get pretty focused on things and have a hard time doing too much at once. So this month I have really been focused on eating better. I haven't really been so great at my running schedule. I think that will be next months 21 day challenge...a good simple work out schedule. Anywho, I am happy to say that just by changing my diet I have lost about 4 pounds. Ok 3.7 but I am totally rounding up. I could care less about weight. I just know that I need to get healthy. It just goes to show how CRAPPY I was really eating. One more week to go and I think I could keep this up for a while now!

Change is worth it. The things that are of the most worth are not easy. They come with a price. And you have to decide if you want it badly enough.
Dig deep. deep down to your toes & muster up all of the strength, courage, & POWER you can!
& I promise will be worth it.
Through this process of are growing wings.
But, what you do with those wings is totally up to you. After the 21 can use your wings, or just sit around...

In the will be the one to make that choice.
But, I believe in you....& know you will be able to spread your wings & fly! as the NEW YOU!

1 comment:

Britney said...

I can't wait to see the quilt Amy!

Thanks for bringing Brynn fries last night, sorry I miss you! :)