Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Baby B Week 15

Baby B.

For all intensive purposes we are going to go ahead and go with the 15 weeks per the first ultra sound. I was originally due on the 23rd of April (which would put me at about 16 and a half weeks) but with the first US it put me at May 4th as my due date. Seriously? Don't tell a pregnant woman that she is going to have to wait longer to meet her baby! We have our next US the first week in December...and although I am excited to see what we are having, I'm more excited to see if they change me due date again (come on April 23rd)!

Week 15

This week I finally am feeling that I am getting "back to normal" somewhat. I have been so super sick with this baby. Throwing up has been welcomed because it actually makes me feel better for an hour or so. Steve has been such a GREAT sport. I feel like I've been much more ornery this go around (Katy must have been an angel baby because I felt great the whole time with her). Steve keeps telling me he would feel the same way if he was so sick all the time! He's also been super helpful about keeping up with the house because I have been lacking in that department as well! It's not all day now just for a few hours here or there! Because it's Katy's birthday in a week I though it would be fun to take my picture with her this week. She will be 3 years old! Not too shabby for the self timer!

Also, although I have no pictures to prove it, I am showing much sooner this go around. I can't button my pants. I am holding out for H&M on Friday to open, hoping that they may have some of there maternity clothes in the store (please bless they do!). I'll get some pants then!

Until next week!


Randi said...

awh! amy I just love you to peices, congratulations again! I'm sorry you were feeling so sick, I had no idea, no wonder I was thinking the other day that you looked like you'd lost weight rather than gained! :)

Tyanna said...

So excited for you guys!!! I am glad you are feeling better, its hard feeling crummy and having another little one with SO much energy to try and keep up with. You look fantastic! I can't wait to find out what you are having. Keep us posted!

McKell Callister said...

It's a bummer how it shows so much sooner the 2nd go round...just wait til you're on mom told me I looked pregnant at 5 weeks! Ahhh! I'm excited to hear what you're bet is a boy since you are super sicko...My ultrasound is the end of this months and I can't wait! Good luck to you and your, let's hope, APRIL Baby:)