Saturday, May 22, 2010

Better Late

I'm surprised we did it but we did! We took pictures of the kidos and got our "vision" framed and ready to go for mothers day within a week!

You are probably thinking that we procrastinated, but I like to think that Mothers Day caught us all off guard this year....because TIME IS FLYING AT WARP SPEED!

Wendy suggested that we have the kids color on the mats. Not only was this a good idea because the kids loved it, but I think it adds so much. And although the Sharpies worked great.....not the best idea for little kids because Katy almost freaked out when she couldn't eat them!

Since we couldn't all get together during the weekend we opted to have family night at Heidi's with Strawberry Short Cake! Yum!

Oh and Katy found another piano! Good think Joanne knows how to play too! Isn't it funny that I would love nothing more than to know how to play any type of instrument, but I cant? Well at least we have lots of people that know how to play the piano....there is hope for Katy. If she so wishes of course!

1 comment:

Britney said...

LOVE the frame idea, its perfect!