We camped a ton there when I was little so I figured that Katy will grow to love it too because we go there so much.
We decided that it was too cold to camp this soon in the year (people we are old school with the tent and everything!) so we opted to stay in a suite....at Motel 6. It was pretty grose in fact. Plus I am such a freak about hotel rooms to the point of driving the germ-a-phobe Steve nuts! I worked up at Snowbird when I was a teenager and was horrified to learn that they only wash the bedspreads and blankets twice a year! Yup, and that's a 5 star resort. I can only imagine that Motel 6 does it once a year if that (sorry Motel 6).
Picture us getting in our room to unload our stuff and Katy goes running for the phone. Can you imagine my discust when she picks the thing up and says "Hi Daddy!" (I guess she talks to Steve more on the phone?) I swear I watched a Dateline, my favorite, onetime and they swabbed all over a motel and had found fecal matter on the phone! Yes, POOP on the phone! I guess the maid had used the same rag to clean the bathroom as she did to clean the phone. And yes, I am picturing exactly this as she is breathing and touching all over the phone!
But hey we are not going to spend much time in the room right? So we were off.....

We walked around down town to check out the sites. We also stopped at the T-Shirt shop. It's kind of a tradition to get a shirt made with the same quality machines that did it for us in the 80's. You pick out your design and they have one of those huge iron presses...do you remember those things? Well keeping with tradition we got Katy a shirt that says "Silly Boys Jeeps are for Girls!" Start em young! It's kind of a weird design but it's really cute when you ask Katy where her jeep is she points to her shirt and says Jee, Eep, or Jeeeep!

Later we decided to go on a trail that we went on with Roger and Joanne a few years ago. Then we actually took it back from Dead Horse Point, so we thought it would be fun to take it there this time. I can't believe that Katy can sleep in such conditions but she slept for a while. When she was awake she was laughing her head off in the back!
Steve has decided that the Jeep needs a name. We both thought that "The Pickle" is pretty appropriate. What do you think though? Any better ideas?
Checkin' out Dead Horse Point...

You can imagine that this made for more difficult days because she was tired and ornery! We thought it would be a good idea to take her to the Window's section of Arches to let her walk around. We helped her up the first part because there was a lot of stairs. This is the point where Katy completely LOST it! She didn't want help. She is in a weird stage where we are still trying to figure out when and how to discipline her. Steve decided that she could get down when she stopped crying, which she didn't understand. So here we are in one of the most beautiful places that people around us have traveled half a world to see and Katy is ruining it with her hair raising screams! We decided it was time to go back to the car (if only I had a picture!). At which time we decided to save a night's worth of money from the Motel 6. We headed back packed up, came home, put Katy to bed at 8:00 (slept like a baby!) and watched the Jazz game.
I'm sad we had to cut the trip short but it was nice having Steve home for the weekend. We made the most of it, and the good times there were worth it! Maybe next time! We LOVE Moab!
Great pictures,looks like fun for all! Dead Horse Point is beautiful!
That looks like so much fun!!! I totally understand what you mean about this age being a weird stage. Oakley is the same way, she doesn't really understand when we try to discipline her, yet she know exactly what she wants. It has been one of the funnest stages, but one of the hardest stages as well :)
P.S. Love the bath pictures - so cute!
It sooo hard to choose, but I think I love that last picture best!
I *big puffy heart* Moab too!
Great pics A! Love
I love Moab too! It has been way too long since I have been there! I cant believe Katy could sleep in the jeep! She must have been WORN OUT!
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