I guess that is what happens when you decide to get married during winter break from school about a week before Christmas....things get CRAZY that time of year and it makes it harder to celebrate how it should be celebrated. I know that my sister Britney is gasping now because she is all about celebrating things on the day that they happened (something I love about her!).
Don't get me wrong we know how to celebrate around here but decided to play it a bit more low key this year with everything going on and opted to go skiing. We did go to dinner and a movie the weekend of our anniversary, and I will say that has defiantly struck a cord to get out and go on more dates (which we've done a lot since then). I can't remember a time before we had Katy that we went on a date, just the two of us. I guess we just really enjoy Katy's company, because she is a blast. But I am grateful for that date in reminding me that we need to make the time to get out and do some more of that as a couple.
Well like I said, we celebrated 7 years in December and we went skiing last Friday! Ha....better late than never. And I will say that it added to my birthday weekend celebration (more on that later). But about the skiing.....Steve is not too shabby on those skis I tell ya. He pretty much had a season pass for as long as he could remember, until we got married! I guess, in a way, skiing to celebrate was an homage to his old skiing days, because they are long gone!!!! We laugh because when we were going to school at the U we didn't really have time to go skiing because we were in school. And now that we are graduated we cant go because we don't get those killer school deals and cant afford it! But Steve was in heaven, he was lovin' it!
About my skiing. I had a season pass from 9-12th grade because I worked up at snowbird. Did I use it? Not once. LAME!!! No one I knew went skiing and I obviously had no idea what I was doing so I never went. I know people that travel here every year to partake in the greatest snow on earth are cursing me now! I went one time in high school. Other than that Steve has been my only ski instructor. I haven't been a million times either so I am not a pro by any means. I can get down the hill relatively unscathed, although there were some 6 year olds that were making me look bad! Another thing that is note worthy are my skis. I guess I need to take a picture of them and post it because you will probably have a good laugh too, but they were the TOPIC of conversation while we were on the lifts. You know the old pointy ones? Those are mine! One of the ski instructors said, "Ma'am, I had a pair of those skis when they first came out...that brings me back." First, I consider these skis "vintage"....isn't that all the rage now? And second it must have been my birthday weekend to be called ma'am....I guess I am old now? I felt that way a bit, thanks a lot! I'm pretty sure we made a trade with Jon and Michelle for them back in the day. They work. They get me down the hill. They are "vintage". What's not to like?
Mom was off work on Friday so she watched Katy for us, and we SO appreciate it!
Seven years? It doesn't really feel like it's been that long to be honest.
I met Steve through a mutual friend in February of 2003, before I went to Hawaii for school for the summer. I feel in love with Steve when I was gone. (In fact, I wanted to shout it from the escalator as I was going to claim my baggage at the airport, but totally wussed out!) It was kind of a unique way to get to really know someone, through phone calls and emails. I'd say that ever since that day I knew I loved Steve, my life has only gotten better. I am still as much in love with Steve today as the day I said yes. Getting married has been the most rip roaring, fly by the seat of your pants, rootin' tootin' good time I could have imagined it would be. I appreciate the person I have become being a wife, and more so the mother I've become.
Hopefully the lack of a season pass has been worth it for Steve too, because I'd trade one for him any day of the week! Here's to our 8th year....let's see where it takes us! And for crying out loud let's go skiing for our anniversary this year, in DECEMBER!
Congrats! You guys are so great.
Congrats! Isaiah and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary last month. I can't believe how fast it goes by! PS...I heard it was your bday on Sunday. Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary... a couple months back. Ron and I also got married in 2003. Great year!
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