I guess this is what you get when you go have breakfast up the canyon! Katy LOVES dirt for sure! Can you blame her. She really didn't eat much breakfast because she was preoccupied with all the dirt! There may or may not be a rock in there at the moment that this picture was taken, but my guess is that there is!
Chuck is also known for loving the dirt but he was more so LOVING the bacon this day. As you can see.....he is patiently waiting for someone to drop something! Oh and let it be noted that Chuck got a hair cut after this. Perfect timing too because he got pretty dirty himself. Downfall? Now he looks like an alien! Hopefully it will be grown out for family pictures in October. I love the scruff!
How can and why does the dirt stick so well up here? Seriously it wasn't like she was playing in the mud but it sure looks like it here!
Mrs. Dancing Monkey doesn't seem to mind though. She is just glad that the pants are getting the worst of it all! This is one of Katy's favorite shirts now, she requested it today.
Honestly Steve made a big deal of not forgetting the tortillas because I was the one packing up our share of the load because I rolled him out of bed and into the car! Good thing I remembered because Steve is the only one that used them! Ha. Hey where are the potatoes??? That's my favorite part.....Chris made some pretty darn good eggs and bacon though!
Katy liked the potatoes because she could put "dipies" on them. She loves to put ketchup on everything! Actually I think Katy had some potatoes with a side of dirt!
Only the cutest dirty girl ever!...always amazed at your pics.
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