Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Sometimes I wonder where Katy came from? Seriously is the thought in my head most days. Then at the end of the day I look in the mirror and am reminded that she is my kid.....OH THATS WHERE SHE COMES FROM!

Some funny things this week:
  • She doesn't seem to mind running around without pants on.
  • Even though she wanted the princess slippers we talked her into the Elmo (SO much cuter) and she hasn't been disappointed.
  • She says "I don't know" a lot. Where is your blanket? "I don't know" she says as she shrugs her shoulders!
  • Tonight when I asked for a hug before bed she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug as she said "Ohhhhh cute!" She is really picking up on everything that we say now and thinks it's so "cute" when she gives us a hug because we always say that I guess.
  • Mostly she makes me laugh because she swings her arms when she walks, talks and dances...which she is doing 90% of the time!
  • We've also moved back to Mickey Mouse Club's been Yo Gabba Gabba the last month and a half. I guess she's ready for a change of pace again. It will be "Yo Yo Gabba" in about another month and a half!
Wearin' her "bones" and elmo! No pants as you can see!


Britney said...

I can't believe you talked her out of the princess slippers!

The elmo ones are cute too.

melynda said...

she is so cute, i love that picture.

you are lucky she will keep her shirt on. linc had a phase where he would take all his clothes off the minute we would get home.

Heidi said...

So cute! How did you get the link of the temple on your sidebar? I want to put that on mine too!

Tyanna said...

I have to know where you got those Elmo slippers!! Katy is such a doll.

Nicole and Kevin said...

You are describing Oakley. Does it seem like it all happened overnight? I have to get some Elmo slippers for Oakley, she would LOVE them!!!

The pics you have up of Katy are so cute - she is such a pretty little girl!

Amy said...

Oh my gosh she is SO cute! Love the last picture of her with no pants and her cute Elmo slippers!